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Automotive Gear Oils - TQ-D


Castrol TQ-D is an automatic transmission fluid designed specially to meet the requirements of the General Motors Dexron R II D


.Castrol TQ-D fully meets the requirements of Dexron II D type fluid and is suitable for all transmissions calling for this level of
specification. TQ-D is recommended for use in the automatic transmissions and power steering fitted to many other types of vehicle,
including later Fords where fluid to ESP-M2C166-H or SQM-2C9010-A is specified. Also for semi-automatic transmissions where a
Leyland spec E fluid is specified.


lGood oxidation resistance
lExcellent frictional characteristics
lExtended drain potential
lReduced wear
lMore efficient operation


FORD ESP-M2C166-H Meets requirements
FORD SQM-2C9010-A Meets requirements
ALLISON C-4 Meets requirements
MB 236.7 Approved
ZF TE-ML 02F/03/04D/11A/14A Approved